Signal Selector (High_Low)

Signal Selector (High_Low)

Operator Menu Location: Signal Switching

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
The Signal Selector accepts n input signals and produces one output signal. The output signal value is equal to the minimum or maximum input signal value. The selection of the minimum or maximum value is a property of the operator (see below). The operator ignores any input pin that is not connected when computing the minimum or maximum value.

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Number of Inputs. The number of input pins n, where 2 <=n <=6

Signal Select. Determines if the operator should select the minimum input signal value, or the maximum input signal value

Comments: None.

See Also:
=, >=, >, <=, <, and != Comparators; Multiplexer; Demultiplexer