Modbus-RTU Operators

Modbus-RTU Operators

Coil Broadcast
Coil Broadcast operators send a digital signal over the Modbus network which may be retrieved by any receiver "tuned" to the sent data. Tuning involves defining each broadcaster's output as a unique "signal" in the protocol definition. The receiving operators must "listen" for that particular signal. This is accomplished by connecting the broadcast and receiving hardware to the same signal. Right click on the operator to connect to a signal. The Network Interface dialog allows the signal number to be entered by left clicking on the register address and typing the signal number.

Coil Receiver
Coil receiver operators retrieve a digital signal sent over the Modbus network by broadcast operators. The receiving operator must be "tuned" as described above to the sent data by linking the operators in the network definition

Register Broadcast
Register Broadcast operators send an analog signal over the Modbus network which may be retrieved by any receiver "tuned" to the sent data. Tuning is described in detail in the Coil Broadcast section above.

Register Receiver
Register Receiver operators retrieve a digital signal sent over the Modbus network by a broadcast operator. The receiving operator must be "tuned" to the sent data. Tuning is described in detail in the Coil Broadcast section above.