Chameleon Download Troubleshooting
Chameleon Download Troubleshooting
This flowchart provides a way to troubleshoot issues encountered while downloading a schema or performing a firmware update of a Chameleon Node.
The following should also be checked to help identify any problems encountered during node communications:
- Download Tools
- Verify that you have a working copy of Design Pad of Schema Viewer software
- Verify that you have a functional IR wand (ACTiSYS iR) connected to your computer's serial port. If needed, use cellphone camera or other camera to view IR traffic if node is not communicating over IR (wands sometimes develop cable faults). You can also choose "Test Communications Link" from the Communications menu, hold the IR wand in front of the right most module with an IR window (this is the Master module on the node, and is the only module which should communicate via IR), and verify that the link light on the screen turns green.
- If you only have USB ports on your computer, verify that you have a functional USB to serial adapter (Data Communications UT-880, FTDI driver version connected to one of your computer's USB ports
- Ensure that you are in an IR interference-Free environment. Certain fluorescent lighting, welding torches, and other light emitting devices could interfere with the download process. 4.5.265 and above are more tolerant of IR noise during routine communications. If you are in an environment with IR interference, attempt to shield the module with something while downloading or testing the IR interface.
- Chameleon Node state
- Verify that the status lights on all chameleon modules are either all solid green (programmed), or all blinking green(erased)
- The status light will blink amber if the module is saving to flash, during a backplane reconfiguration, or while the node if powering on. If there is unexplained amber blinking and issues with communicating with the node, the user should check that the backplane terminators are installed. Modules should not be hotswapped while any modules on the node are blinking amber. Failure to follow this practice can result in the modules in the node not being able to run their portions of the node program until the node is rebooted.
- The status light will blink red error codes, and maybe solid red under certain atypical conditions(updating the firmware on a NIM2 or Smartvalve and after receiving a reboot command)
- Verify that the control code is at the desired level. Typically all modules in the node should be at the same control code level. Occasionally a module which is hot swapped in can have an older revision of firmware which may not be compatible with the node. The user should make sure any spare modules are updated when they perform system updates to help reduce the chance of this occurring.
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Fairmount Automation, Inc.
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