Using Structure Variables

Using Structure Variables

Structure variable operators are used to instantiate a block of memory of a particular size that takes the form of a structure template. The schema programmer selects the template for a particular variable in its properties box. The template selection box will be limited to only those templates from XML files in scope. The amount of memory used by the structure variable is automatically sized based on what is required to accommodate the selected template.

Structure variables are similar to Boolean and Float variables in that they have scope, initialization behavior, notes, etc.

Structure signals may only be wired together (output pin of structure operator A to input pin of structure operator B) if the templates associated with each signal utilize the same amount of memory. Using the exact template for each end of the connection guarantees a compatible size. But, it is also possible to connect together structures made from different templates (this could be useful to change data types or pull apart / combine signals).

The signal elements defined in a structure template can be packed and unpacked using the Compose and Decompose operators.