Opening and Closing Workspaces

Opening and Closing Workspaces

Schema Viewer can only have a single workspace document open at any given time. If you would like to open another workspace document, you must first close the workspace document you are presently working with. To close a workspace, select the Close Workspace item from the File menu. When Schema Viewer closes a workspace, it also closes all other open documents and their associated windows.

To open an existing workspace, select the Open Workspace item from the File menu. Schema Viewer will provide you with the familiar Windows Open File dialog where you can browse for the desired workspace. If a workspace is open when you attempt to open another one, Schema Viewer will first close the open workspace and then prompt for the new workspace file to open.

Schema Viewer maintains a list of recently opened workspace documents in the Recent Workspaces item of the File menu. To open a recently-accessed workspace document, select the Recent Workspaces item in the File menu. A sub-menu will appear listing the four most recently opened workspace documents. If the workspace you wish to open is on the list, select it. (You can change the number of entries in the recent-file list---see the Customising Schema Viewer section.)