5 - Diagnostics -- Components List Screen
The Overwatch Fire Detection System provides several diagnostic tools for investigating off normal conditions and maintaining the system. The Components List screen is one of those tools providing a list of all devices and panel components that comprise the fire detection system. Detailed configuration and real-time status information is available for each component.
The following topics are covered:
System Menu Overview and Navigation (1:04)
Components List (2:15)
Overview and Presentation
Navigation Buttons
Default Component Order
Component Information (6:20)
Intrusion Sensor
Panel Sounder
Ethernet Connection
IO Board and field circuits
Viewing Remote Panel Components
SLC Loop 1
Multifunction SLC Device (10:17)
Multisensor Detector in Custom Threshold vs Apollo Built-In Modes
IO modules
Fault Status and Component Relationships (12:17)
Intrusion Warning
SLC Device Absent Fault
SLC Device Component Information (14:57)
SLC Device Activation Modes
SLC Device Thresholds and Analog Counts
PreActive and Active States and Relationships (17:02)
Fire Alarm Only Zone
Fire PreAlarm and Alarm Zone
Activated SLC Notification Component Information
SLC Device Analog Counts
SLC Device Sensor Fault by Analog Count
Disable (26:52)
Disable/Enable SLC Component
Zone Operation with Disabled Device
Disable/Enable SLC Loop
Filter Operation (32:08)
Sort Operation (33:45)
You can download the files used in this tutorial here (note: import the Excel file into Design Pad to create and load the workspace).