

Operator Menu Location: Signal Reference

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
The Flash Save operator commits to non-volatile flash memory all Variable operator signal values that have been designated for persistent storage (such that they are retained when the device is powered off).

Variable operators are designated for persistent storage in the Variable Settings dialog. Three flash save options are available: None, On Command and On Command + Power Loss. On Command refers to a variable record action triggered by the Flash Save operator. Power Loss refers to a variable record action trigger by loss of power. When the FLASH SAVE operator is triggered it sets a flag to save the information in flash. At the conclusion of each compute cycle that flag is checked, and if the flag is set active it saves the 'on command' and 'on command and power loss' tagged variables in flash and clears the flag.

Only variable values that are critical to the given application should be designated for saving On Command + Power Loss. When a device loses power, it has precious little time to perform clean-up operations, such as saving critical variables to non-volatile memory. The quantity of variables that can be designated as critical is limited and depends on the target hardware.

The Flash Save operator will initiate a write-to-flash action when an edge is detected on its input pin. The operator may be configured to trigger on a rising edge (when the input switches from LOW to HIGH) or on a falling edge (when the input switches from HIGH to LOW).

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Enable On The input condition that triggers the flash save action. Maybe be either Rising Edge (i.e., input switches from LOW to HIGH) or Falling Edge (i.e., input switches from HIGH to LOW).

Comments: Flash memory has a limited number of write-cycles. Care should be taken to ensure that the operator does not trigger a flash-write action with too high a frequency.

See Also:
Variable (Float), Variable (Boolean)

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