Controller Options

Controller Options

Right clicking on a device from the hardware interface file, for this example a PCM-1, presents an options dialog

The first six options deal with the schema associated with the PCM-1. Link Existing Schema allows a schema already written and on disk to be associated, i.e., executed on, this module. If a schema is already linked it will be unlinked unless the operation is cancelled. Use the resulting browse dialog to specify the schema file's location.

The Link New Schema" option brings up a browse dialog for placing the new schema in a folder. The empty schema displays with the background color associated with the PCM to which it is linked.

If a schema file is renamed or moved its link to the module is longer valid. Edit Schema Link" reestablishes the relationship between the schema and module.

The Open Linked Schema option brings the schema to the foreground if it is not already open, or highlights a minimized schema window. Double clicking on the module behaves the same way if there is a schema linked to it.

Process Linked Schema causes compilation of the schema linked to the module including any changed sub-schemas.

The next two options are most useful during node simulation. They control whether the module's front (and rear, if it has one) panels are displayed in the HWI window.

The last options are for variable setting, device hardware setup, and linking Structure libraries. See the associated sections for specifics.