Protecting Your Work

Protecting Your Work

Figure 4.22. The Password Lock dialog.

Design Pad G4 offers a mechanism for password protecting documents to prevent unauthorized access to your intellectual work. To protect a schema document, select the Schema Password Protection item from Schema menu. Design Pad will display the Schema Password dialog shown in Figure 4.22. The dialog box contains three text boxes: you enter the old password (if applicable) in the first, and the new password in the second two. If the document has not been protected yet, leave the "Old Password" edit box blank. Otherwise, you need to provide the old password before Design Pad will accept a new one. In either case, you must enter the new password twice in order to lower the probability that a typing error occurred.
When Design Pad G4 opens a password-protected file, it displays a blank document and disables all editing functions (Figure 4.23 shows a locked schema document). In order to unlock the document, click anywhere within document's client window. Design Pad G4 will then prompt you to enter the password and will unlock the document if the correct one is provided.

If you wish to remove password protection from a schema document that has been protected, select the Schema Password Protection item from the Schema menu. Then, enter the old password in the appropriate edit box and leave the other two edit boxes blank (see Figure 4.22).

Figure 4.23. When Design Pad opens a locked schema document it does not display its contents.