Custom Protocol Broadcast Operators
Both ASCII and binary-based custom protocols use broadcaster operators to define where in a schema's logic data is to be transmitted. The transmission may be configured to send a message on demand, periodically or trigged by the receipt of a specific message by a custom protocol receiver operator. The later permits schema to operate in an event driven manner with little or no additional schema logic required to act as a server responding to specific received messages with a reply that may include data. The format of the message is user defined and may include boolean, integer, floating point, text and checksums, all of which is combined into a message constructed using a template mechanism.
The ASCII Custom Protocol Broadcast operators have multiple Enable On modes.
Always Enabled causes the operator to generate the specified ASCII custom protocol message periodically as determined by the Min Delay for Next Broadcast, specified in mS (see example below). The Active HIGH and Active LOW options only enable the operator when the Enable Input pin of the operator is High or Low as indicated. The Rising/Falling Edge options cause the message to be transmitted once on the indicated edge of the Enable input pin. The Received Message option (see example at the bottom of the page) causes the message to be sent once, when the received message matches the specified message template and the values connected to the input pins exactly match the fields each pin represents in the message template.
The figure below shows the property dialog set to send the broadcast message when a partner receiver operator (selected from the pulldown) receives a message.
Enable a Broadcaster Based on Message Receipt