Network Set-up

Network Set-up

Since FANDA services are available on an Ethernet connection, we must first create the physical and logical networks to support that protocol. Go to the Workspace Network view and right click on the workspace name as in Figure 9.135 below.

Figure 9.135.  Adding a Network to a Workspace

Select Add Network to bring up the Add Network dialog Figure 9.136). Name the network and select Ethernet as the physical layer. Click OK to save the network definition.

Figure 9.136.   The Add Physical Network Dialog

Now right click on the name added to the networks list and select Add Logical Network (Figure 9.137).

Figure 9.137.  Add a Logical Network

Choose one of the supported protocols (Figure 9.138) and name the new logical network.

Figure 9.138.  Adding the Logical Network to the Physical One

Whether the device acting as the server is a valve or a NIM-2, the device must be assigned to the new logical network, in this case EtherNet/IP.

Right click on the device in its HWI file and select Module Properties as below.

Figure 9.139.  Selecting Module Properties

Choose EtherNet/IP in the list on the left in the resulting dialog and check the box to enable the protocol on the chosen networking device (Figure 9.140) .

Figure 9.140.  Enabling EtherNet/IP as the Protocol

Now, using the File view tree, right click on the server device and select Assign Network (Figure 9.141).

Figure 9.141.  Assign a Network to a Device

Choose the logical network from those presented in the dialog below:

9.142.  Choosing the Logical Network

The next step in the FANDA set-up process is to assign the server and client device IP addresses. Right Click on the Physical network in the Workspace Network view (figure 9.143)

Figure 9.143.

to bring up the dialog in Figure 9.144:.

Figure 9.144.  Configure Network Parameters Dialog

Left click on the IP Settings tab. Assign an IP address to the server (NIM-2 or valve) and the client by typing in the four part data trough. Click OK to save the settings.

Now you right click on the network server device and use its module properties to define the remaining settings for FANDA communication..

Left click on Simulation Setup to define the SSH server, Base Address and Encryption settings for FANDA processing as in Figure 9.145.

Figure 9.145.  Simulation Setup

If multicast is checked for any of the global variables, check the box to enable multicasting. Set the base address for the clients to listen for the variable values, and also set the port. Multiple servers require different multicast ports. The defaults are valid for SDK clients.

Data encryption is required for valve servers supplying multicast data.