Query Hardware Information in Schema Viewer

Query Hardware Information in Schema Viewer

At the conclusion of a successful schema download, or selecting Query Hardware Information from the Communications Menu, results in the Query Hardware Information dialog similar to Figure 12.3. It identifies the following:

Position of the microprocessor in the device.

Module name assigned to the device in the hardware interface file.

Program ID is a number regenerated by Design Pad and Schema Viewer every time you compile and/or program a node in a manner that has a high probability of being unique for each download. If this field is 0 it means that no schema is currently running.

Control Code is the software version of the embedded firmware. This version number is of the form xx.yy.zzz where xx is the major number, yy is the minor number, and zzz is the build number.

File Config is a version number specific to the schema operator and, if applicable, backplane capabilities.  It increments each time Fairmount Automation adds new functionality to the schema operator set or the communications backplane. This number must be the same for all processors in multi-processor products (like Chameleon) or an error will be reported.

Serial Number is the serial number given to the product.

Part Number is the part number for the device.

Revision is the version of the main electronics PC Board in the device.

Build Number indicates how the PC Board in the device is populated with components.

PLD (Programmable Logic Device) Version shows the software version (when used) of programmable companion devices to the microprocessor in the device.

User String is a concatenation of the Schema Title and Revision from the root schema's properties setting (see Section 4.12). This field can be used to identify what schema program (name and version) is currently executing in the microprocessor.

Any active error messages appear in the lower half of the screen. Clicking on a position row in the upper half of the screen will highlight the errors associated with that microprocessor.

Figure 12.3. Successful Upload