A_D Conversion

A_D Conversion

Operator Menu Location: Data Conversion

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
Design Pad supports two signal types --analog signals (floating point values) drawn in red, and digital signals (boolean values, i.e., true/false or high/low) drawn in blue. These signal types cannot be directly mixed --analog signals may not be directly connected to digital ones. But, analog signals may be converted into digital ones (and vice-versa). The A/D Conversion operator converts a floating-point analog value into a HIGH/LOW boolean value. The boolean output y of the A/D Conversion operator is

where x is the analog input value and Z is the conversion threshold.

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Z. The maximum magnitude of the analog input equivalent to the boolean LOW

Comments: None.

See Also:
D/A Conversion, Decimal To Binary Conversion, Binary To Decimal Conversion