Delay Element (Analog or Digital)

Delay Element (Analog or Digital)

Operator Menu Location: Signal Conditioning

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
The output of the Delay Element operator is the time-shifted value of its input
y(t + Mt) = x(t)
where y is the output, x is the input, t is the loop sampling time, and M is the number of samples to delay the signal by. Time multiple M must be an integer in the range [1,100].
Design Pad will issue an error if the input pin is not connected.

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Time Delay Multiple. An integer multiple of the loop sampling time (delta)t. It indicates the number of time steps to delay the input signal. It must be an integer in the range [1,100].

Display Initial Condition. Indicates whether the pin for Initial condition is used.This property determines if a second input pin is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked).
Initial Condition. The output value on startup (i.e., ). If M > 1, the same initial condition is applied to all initial outputs (i.e.,

The default time delay multiple is M=1.

See Also:
Moving Average, Timer, PID Controller with External Feedback