Backplane Signal

Backplane Signal

Operator Menu Location: Generic Hardware Operators -> Backplane

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:

The operator allows the user to control/read the state of the SRQ0, SRQ1, and SRQ2 lines in the Chameleon node backplane. All SRQ lines will be placed into Open Drain mode.  The signals are considered active low, so a true input will pull the backplane signal low, a high will allow the line to float.  Pullup resistors may be required depending on the hardware configuration.

Input pin x1 (Enable)

This is a standard optional enable input, which is selectable to be always enabled, rising or falling edge, or active high or low.

Input pins x2-4 (SRQ0, SRQ1, SRQ2)

If no input signal(dpad wire) is connected to a pin the pin will not be driven.  If a signal(dpad wire) is connected, the backplane line will be driven low when a boolean true is applied or float when a false is applied.

Output Pin y1 (Error)

This pin is not currently used. (reserved for future use)

Output Pins y2-4 (SRQ0, SRQ1, SRQ2)

These pins will output a true if the corresponding backplane signal is being pulled to ground(active low), otherwise they will output false.

{these outputs reflect the current line states ONLY if the enable input matches the configured “enable on” criteria

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Enable On. When set to 'Always Enabled', the operator produces output each module execution cycle. The other options cause binary pin to appear. The remaining options, HIGH, LOW, Rising and Falling Edges determine which segment of the input signal actives the operator for that execution cycle.
Display Error Output. This property determines if output pin is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked). The pin indicates an error occurred when HIGH.
Display SRQ0 State Output. This property determines if output pin is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked). The pin carries the SRQ0 output signal.
Display SRQ1 State Output. This property determines if output pin is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked). The pin carries the SRQ1 output signal.
Display SRQ2 State Output. This property determines if output pin is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked). The pin carries the SRQ2 output signal.

Comments: None.

See Also: