Binary To Decimal Conversion

Binary To Decimal Conversion

Operator Menu Location: Data Conversion

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
The Binary to Decimal Conversion block accepts eight digital inputs (i=1,2,...,8), and computes its base-10 representation y. Two of the operator properties, and , define the range of the output signal. They are used to map the base-10 representation of the eight input signals into an analog value between and . The mapping is

where is the base-10 representation of the eight digital input signals, (i=1,2,...,8).

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator
Minimum (0) Value. The input value corresponding to a base-10 output value of 0 ( ).
Maximum (255) Value. The input value corresponding to a base-10 output value of 255 ( ).

Comments: None.
See Also:
Binary to Decimal Conversion, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, A/D Conversion, D/A Conversion