Inlet_Outlet Pressure Sensor Pair

Inlet_Outlet Pressure Sensor Pair

Operator Menu Location: Generic Hardware Operators Motors/Valves

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
The Inlet/Outlet Pressure Sensor can link to the embedded sensors in the valve to indicate pressures and estimated flow.

Flow Direction (Bool): True = Flow direction positive from flange A towards flange B (default), or False = Flow direction positive from flange B towards flange A. (A label on the valve flanges indicates flange B). This operator must be linked to a hardware resource, a pressure sensor, to opereate.

Input Pin
Flow Direction If Vd is set to True, this sets the flow direction for calculations (not shown if Vd is set to False. HIGH is 'A to B' = Flow direction positive from flange A towards flange B (default), or LOW is 'B to A' = Flow direction positive from flange B towards flange A. (A label on the valve flanges indicates flange B).

Output Pins:
Inlet/Outlet Pressure Sensor Pair
A = Pressure A Indicates the filtered inlet gauge pressure.
As = Pressure A Standard Deviation Indicates the filtered inlet gauge pressure standard deviation.
B = Pressure B Indicates the filtered inlet gauge pressure.
Bs = Pressure B Standard Deviation Indicates the filtered inlet gauge pressure standard deviation.
D = Differential Pressure Indicates the filtered differential pressure.
Ds = Differential Pressure Standard Deviation Indicates the filtered differential pressure standard deviation.
Q = Estimated Flow When the valve is open this pin indicates the filtered estimated flow. In all other cases this pin outputs 0.
Qs = Estimated Flow Standard Deviation When the valve is open this pin indicates the filtered estimated flow standard deviation. In all other cases this pin output is 0. 

This value is not updated unless new values are available.  The update is based on the flow that is reported rather than including flow changes leading up to the value achieving the fully open state. The pressures are updated approximately every 142 mS, therefore the current window for standard deviation is 14-15 seconds. 

Fa = Sensor A Fault Indicates that the A side pressure sensor is operating in an invalid manner.
Fb = Sensor B Fault Indicates that the B side pressure sensor is operating in an invalid manner.

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator
Display Flow Direction Display pin to accept a signal indicating valve flow direction. If pin is not present, Flow Direction may be hard coded. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked).
Flow Direction set flow direction to A-B or B-A if pin is not present.

Comments: None.

See Also: Pressure Sensor

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