Motor Actuator Detail

Motor Actuator Detail

Operator Menu Location: Generic Hardware Operators -> Motors/Valves

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
This operator captures Faults and performance details about the Motor Actuated Valve to which it is linked.

Pins top to bottom:
A1 = Fail to Open Alarm Indicates that the valve failed to open the valve within the time specified for Open Travel Timeout.

A2 = Fail to Close Alarm Indicates that the valve failed to close the valve within the time specified for Close Travel Timeout.

A3 = Open Torque Alarm Indicates the torque measured during opening the valve exceeded the Open Torque Limit value

A4 = Close Torque Alarm Indicates the torque measured during closing the valve exceeded the Close Torque Limit value.

A5 = Motor Over Temperature Alarm The temperature measured in the windings of the motor exceeds the maximum allowed value.

A6 = Motor Over Current Alarm The average current measured in the motor exceeds the maximum allowed current.

A7 = Motor Stalled Alarm  The time taken to complete an open or close command exceeded twice the travel timeout setting.

A8 = Maximum Motion Profile Time Exceeded Alarm  The time taken to complete an open or close command exceeded the travel timeout setting.

A9 = Input Power Phase Loss Alarm One or more of the input power phases are missing.

A10 = Input Power Phase Rotation Alarm The phases of the input power are wired to incorrect terminals (i.e. the wires for phase A, B, and C are mixed up).

T = Current Torque The torque measured on the mechanical drive.

Ta = Last Average Torque The average torque measured between the Open and Close Seat Zones.

Tp = Last Peak Torque The maximum torque measured between the open and close phases of the motion.

Tb = Last Breakout Torque The maximum torque required to leave the open or closed position of the valve within the seat zone.

Ts = Last Seat Torque The maximum torque required to open or close the valve within the seat zone.

S = Last Stroke Time The total time required to complete the last motion.

Sn = Total Number of Strokes The number of completed strokes recorded by the electronics installed in the valve.

Pa = Motor Phase A Current The average measured current to the motor on phase A.

Pc = Motor Phase C Current The average measured current to the motor on phase C.

St = Total Number of Starts The number of times the actuator motor begins a new motion recorded by the electronics installed in the valve.

Vt = Thermistor Voltage The voltage being measured from the Thermistor.

yc = Last Position At Close Indicates the last recorded position of the valve when the control algorithm determined the valve was closed.

Maximum Motion Profile Time Exceeded Alarm Indicates that the maximum time allowed for the actuator to complete a particular motion has been exceeded.

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name identifies the operator.

Comments: None.

See Also: Motor Actuated Valve, I/O Pressure Sensor Pair

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