Operator Menu Location: Generic Hardware Operators Set Menu
Operator Bitmap:
Functional Description:
The operator links to a hardware device containing a Set Menu System.
Only one Set Menu System Control operator may be linked to a Set Menu System.
The Set Menu System Control operator has the following Input Pins:
Disable System (BOOL): Active High input. When active it prevents the Set Menu System from operating. If the System is currently active it will immediately exit.
Force System (BOOL): Active High input.
§If the System is idle it will activate. This is equivalent to an operator pressing the SET button while idle.
§As long as this pin is active the menu system will not have the option to exit. The 'Press SET button to exit menu' option will be removed from the set menu while this pin is high. If only one settable parameter exists, pressing the SET button will not exit the menu while this pin is high.
§The SET menu timeout timer will be set to 0 while this pin is active and not allowed to increment.
§When this pin transitions from HIGH to LOW, the timeout timer will be allowed to normally increment and the exit options for the menu will be restored.
Disable Timeout (BOOL): Active High input. When active is prevents the Set Menu System from timing out. When low the Set Menu will timeout as specified in its properties.
Down: Edge triggered input. When active it mimics pressing the DOWN push button on the front panel of the device.
Up: Edge triggered input. When active it mimics pressing the UP push button on the front panel of the device.
Set: Edge triggered input. When active it mimics pressing the SET push button on the front panel of the device.
The Set Menu System Control operator has the following Output Pins:
System State (BOOL): When HIGH it indicates the Set Menu System is active (i.e. the menu system is currently being used via the front panel of the device, or via the Set Menu System Control operator.) This could mean a parameter value is being edited or the selection menu is displayed. LOW indicates the Menu System is idle.
Menu Item Edit (FLOAT): This pin indicates the current parameter in the menu system being edited. 0 means no parameters are being edited. Integer numbers !=0 corresponds to the parameter number. For example, if this is 1, then the 1st parameter is being changed.
User-Defined Properties:
Object Name: Text field corresponding to the operator name.
Display Disable System Input: Check box that shows / hides the 'Disable System' input pin.
Display Force System Input: Check box that shows / hides the 'Force System' input pin.
Display Disable Timeout: Check box that shows / hides the 'Disable Timeout' input pin.
Display Down Input: Check box that shows / hides the 'Down' input pin.
Down Trigger On: Drop down box with Rising Edge and Falling Edge indicating the edge for the input to trigger
Display Up Input: Check box that shows / hides the 'Up'; input pin.
Up Trigger On: Drop down box with Rising Edge and Falling Edge indicating the edge for the input to trigger.
Display Set Input: Check box that shows / hides the Set input pin.
Set Trigger On: Drop down box with Rising Edge and Falling Edge indicating the edge for the input to trigger.
Comments: None.
See Also: