Structure Variable

Structure Variable

Operator Menu Location: Signal Reference

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
This operator references the package of variables grouped by the structure compose operator. It can have input, output or I/O functionality.
Multiple Structure Variable operators can reference the same signal values provided they have the same name and scope and are linked to the same XML file structure definition. In the sample schema pictured below the structure variable outputs its contents to a decopse operator:

User-Defined Properties:
Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Variable Type.is the variable used for input only, output only, both or none.

Scope Access is the variable accessible to subschemas only (module) or to other modules as well (global).

Display Enable Input. Adds a pin to the operator which determines when the variable is to be read.

Enable On. Determines what point in a signal defines the enable point for the variable's input.

Initialization Behavior.  If set to Apply Input Pin Value, the first time the schema executed the input pin value overrides the value defined in either the module or global variable settings table.  If set to Apply UIser-Defined Value, the value defined in either the module or global variable settings table is used upon the first schema execution.

Instance Note Informational text describing the use for this instance of the variable operator.

Prepend Name. Defines what level of specificity the variable will have. Use namespace if more than one copy of the structure will be processed in the schema.

Resolved Name. The variable name with its prepended names.

Structure. References the structure definition in the xml file linked to the schema, hardware interface file or workspace in which the variable is to be used.

Comments: None.

See Also: Structure Compose, Structure Decompose, Ethernet/IP Assembly

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