Push-Button (Binary)

Push-Button (Binary)

Operator Menu Location: Generic Hardware Operators → Push Buttons/Switches

Operator Bitmap:


 Functional Description:

The Binary Push Button generic hardware operator provides access to a pushbutton resource in the physical hardware. When the generic operator is linked to a specific hardware resource, its output value will relate to the physical state of that resource.

The Binary Push Button can be configured in one of three modes: momentary, toggling, or latching. In momentary mode, the operator output will directly correspond to the current state of the physical button, such that output  while the button is depressed and  otherwise.

In toggling mode, the operator output will switch between  and  each time the physical button is depressed. Assuming the operator initial state is LOW, its output will toggle HIGH when the button is depressed. It will remain HIGH while the button remains depressed and after it is released. If it is depressed again, it will then toggle back to LOW.

In latching mode, the operator output will latch HIGH when the physical button is depressed. When the button is subsequently released/depressed, the output will remain HIGH. The output will reset to LOW, if reset input x = HIGH.

User-Defined Properties:

Object Name. A string label that identifies the operator

Initial State. The output of the operator at startup.

Button Type. The operator mode: momentary, toggling, or latching.

Display Reset Input. This property determines if the reset input pin x is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad G3 issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked).

Comments: None.

See Also: Push Button (Counting)

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