PROFIBus Broadcast

PROFIBus Broadcast

Operator Menu Location: Generic Hardware Operators -> Networking -> PROFIBus

Operator Bitmap:

Functional Description:
The PROFIBus Broadcast generic hardware operator provides access to a networking channel resource in the physical hardware. When the generic operator is linked to a specific networking hardware resource, it will broadcast place data into the process memory of the device to transmit over the  PROFIBus network.

The size data transmitted is based on the data format selected in the operator properties.

User-Defined Properties:

Name. A string label that identifies the operator.

Data Format selects the data type to broadcast, and shows the data size in bytes.  This setting should be equal or less than the size of the associated process data.  Anything larger will be truncated.

Structure Name. For structure data types, the name of the associated structure of the signal.

Offset selects the byte offset of the data field, to broadcast.

Initial Broadcast Value. The float value initially sent if no change has been made by the schema before the first broadcast.

Initial Broadcast Value. The binary value (high or low) initially sent if no change has been made by the schema before the first broadcast.

Display Error Output. This property determines if the error output pin is visible in the schema diagram. Design Pad issues a warning upon processing the schema when the pin is visible but not connected. The warning message is not issued when the pin is not visible (when this property is not checked).

Comments: None.

See Also: PROFIBus Receiver