Analog Inputs (FAC2100)

Analog Inputs (FAC2100)

Analog Inputs 

Analog Inputs

The FAC-2100 contains three analog inputs each capable of operating in current, voltage, resistance, or RTD measurement modes. The modes are software controlled and all internal circuitry reconfiguration is automatic (i.e. no external jumpers are required).

Select from one of the following modes to get additional information:

Auto-Connect / Disconnect

The internal controller electronics will automatically isolate themselves from the external circuitry via a high impedance switch when the analog input is either not configured for use in the software or the unit is powered off. The required configuration will automatically become connected (i.e. low impedance) when the device is powered and the input is configured for a particular function.

Replacing FAC-2000 Controllers with FAC-2100s

Note that the FAC-2000 (the previous model FAC-2100) did require external jumpers to configure the inputs. The FAC-2100 is 100% backwards compatible with the FAC-2000 and, if those jumpers are installed, they do not need to be removed when replacing the FAC-2000 with a FAC-2100.